Praising the Prophet
Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse

About the Author
Sharon Price Anderson

Sharon Price Anderson was born in California in 1946 and lived in Washington, Alabama, New York, Colorado and Germany before attending Brigham Young University where she met her husband Peter. After they were married, they spent a year on the Omaha Indian Reservation in Nebraska and then lived in Ventura County, California. Sharon graduated Magna Cum Laude from BYU in 1970. At that time, the first three of their nine children were three years, two years, and one month old. Surprisingly, their ninth child was born 24 years later, two and a half months after their tenth grandchild. So far they have twenty-two grandchildren.

The Andersons lived in the California Mojave Desert from 1969 to1995 and then moved back to Utah Valley, where, doing business as Time Lines Etc., Sharon began writing and illustrating history curriculum materials for home-schooled children and other students of all ages.

Several of Sharon’s poems have been published in The Ensign, (Fourteen is Young, Feb. 2005; To Ephraim and Manasseh, Feb. 2004; These Shepherds, Apr. 2003; Seventh Child, Aug. 1999) ). Her work has also appeared in BYU Studies, Poetry Panorama, Nine One One–Poems for September 11th, and will be included in the 2005 edition of Utah Sings which is published every ten years by the Utah State Poetry Society. She has presented her poems at BYU Women’s Conferences and has received numerous state and national awards for her poetry.

Sharon has learned much from studying the gospel and from serving in the Church. Her callings have included ward and stake Primary president, seminary teacher, Cub Scout den leader, Relief Society counselor and teacher, teacher improvement coordinator, and temple preparation instructor. She currently teaches gospel doctrine in her ward.

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